Can you imagine how sweet it was when you just landed from a kinda-terrible-flight then you found your loved one waiting for you with a big cup of your favourite juice on his hand??
That's what happened to me last Thursday when I was just landed in Kuala Lumpur... =D
*thank you, darl... You're much sweeter than the Boost's All Berry Bang... (if you want to know, All Berry Bang is my favourite juice from Boost Juice Bars - it's the mixture of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apple juice, TD4 low-fat strawberry yogurt & ice - and sadly, there's no Boost in Jakarta).
3 days in KL felt like nothing, I didn't feel like going back to my routine and of course, I hated it when I had to wave good-bye to my bf before flying back to Jakarta...
This time wasn't as bad as usual since I still have the CGK - KUL ticket for this Thursday night.. #lifeisgood