Saturday, May 2, 2009


when time passes so fast, i dun feel that i really have time for myself...
yeah... spending Mon-Fri in office (8 to 5, or even later)...
then just have 2 days off in weekend...

Wondering... is this something that i really wish to do???
Life seems monotone once i start working... (Hb told me so..)
sometimes i just dunno why am i doing this n that... why must i be like this n that...
why... why... why bla bla bla... (never ending questions)...

Wondering about someone... (I never wished to think bout you... but... sigh*....)
I'm not supposed to think or feel this way...
But Av just told me "you need sum1 to take care of you..."
Do I???? i even dunno n doubt bout that...
but, u do know me really well, Av...
but doesn't mean I need sum1 to take care of me, maybe sum1 I can trust, sum1 i can rely on...
(the one i never found... lol)
Almost the same condition like all of you guys, Al, Dj n Ir...
We laugh, we talk, we're doing good, bla bla bla...
n we're just PRETENDING that WE'RE FINE... (Another sigh*)

Wondering bout your words, Av...
i know that's what i supposed to do... but.. but...
it's not as easy as it is spoken... T___T
but, i surely can do that... it just takes time...

Wondering to move out sumwhere else...
Thinking bout China as the next stop... hahaha... how would it be???

At the end, I'm just tired for everything happened in my life...
n still... keep wondering this n that...

Today's quote:
"sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand...
And what you've been out there searching for forever is in your hands

- Jezz

1 comment:

Yoan Ricardo Sinaga said...

Well, I love the today's quote...