Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I'll just type a quick one this morning... Though of typing it yesterday, but my mood was too bad to type...
Nothing really happened these days... except those boring hours i spent in the office waiting for the internet to be connected again (i call speedy for complain EVERYDAY and i can tell that the customer services are sick of hearing my name mentioned whenever i call)... 
There's a good thing... i talked to my senior yesterday about x-mas & new year leave... 24 Dec 09 to 03 Jan 09... and it's APPROVED!!! n now i'm counting down... i seriously need a long break to go out of this city... and i'm going back home FOR SURE.... can't waitttttttt!!!!

Mk... u're going to have your summer break soon... it's nice to talk many things to you... well, we didn't talk much these days... u're busy with assignments... Distinctions are okay... but, try to get better next semester.. Like me, always expect for a HD for everything... (this perfectionist jess... >,<) hahahaha.... i miss you and melbourne, anyway... =D (remember how i would scream at you if u said u're not going to coles with me) LOL!!! Will see you soon this January... make sure you have some spare time to see me... okay??? Have a great summer break...

Dj... sorry for not cheering you up last night... *hug* my mood wasn't good as well... will talk to you soon, okay?? take care, buddy... everything's gonna be alrite... 

Av... who's not gonna read this... good luck for everything... hahaha... u're just having too many things to do at once... well, try to manage your time better, make sure you have enough rest everyday... if there's sumthing stressing you out, text me... Kay?? u know u always have a place to scream... XD

HM... who's just 9 days aways from her flight... good luck for the exams!!!

Pyon... Thx for the thoughts you share... I felt so much better after i talked to you yesterday... =)

Done... I'm rushing.... 

P.S. i love some small surprises i got from u... ^^

1 comment:

Alex said...

libur pun pendek amatttt.. T.T hahahah... mgkn kaw nanti bingung jg mo ngapaen klo panjang2.. brhubung tak ade siape2 drmh.. :)