Saturday, February 27, 2010


Racism... Discrimination... Happened the most in my lovely hometown, Pontianak...
WTF are those racist people thinking about?? I wonder if they're well-educated... I just read some articles about how FPI destroyed the dragon which is used for Chinese New Year closing festival (it is known as cap-go-meh festival as well) this morning... This festival is a part of the program "Visit Kalbar 2010" - the purpose of this program is to attract tourist both from Indonesia n other countries to visit West Kalimantan... 

The world knows that this country is rich of its ethnics... "Indonesia has around 300 ethnic groups, each with cultural differences developed over centuries, and influenced by Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Malay, and European sources" (quoted from Wikipedia). Oh well, Chinese is a minor community in this country, but it doesn't mean that Chinese people are not Indonesian... 
Bhineka Tunggal Ika is the motto of this country, means: unity in diversity... We all learned this since we were in primary school... So, people who can not appreciate the diversity are not deserved to live in this country... (FPI - why don't you build your own country??)
We couldn't choose in which ethnic we were born... We're all human, living in the same country, speaking the same language, so why should we discriminate each other?? Well, this could be one of the reasons why Indonesia is never been advanced: racism - where the majority thinks they rule the country... 
I feel sorry for those racist people, who destroyed something for the name of a religion (there is no such religion that teaches its followers to destroy others - at the end, we're all praying for the same God but in different ways) for being so shallow-minded... 
Indo, please be one of the peaceful countries on earth... Please... Please...

(...wondering, is there any peaceful country on earth...???)

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