Finally it's end of June... My cousins are going to move to the states soon, within this 1 or 2 months... I wasn't close to them at the first time, we just got closer at the time I visited their house last year... In some ways, I feel kinda sad... I do really know how it feels like when people who are close to you have to move faraway so you can't see them as often as before...
I remember the first time I went back home after 6 months staying in Melbourne, it was at June 2007... I didn't tell my parents about that, I just asked some of my friends to pick me up at the airport... Dad was so surprised when he saw me knocking the door... My brothers seemed so happy and talked a lot to me and asked me to tell them about Melbourne...
At times, I complain a lot about how inconvenience everything is in Indo... But, there are also times when I feel glad that I'm here, in the place called HOME...
The time when I should leave this house will come, it can be within this year or next year, or the next 2 years... We never know... I will just enjoy the time I could spend with my parents and brothers now, before we're all separated (by moving somewhere else, by marriages, etc)...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
just a random thing
Staying at home during weekend isn't that bad, especially when you're not feeling well... Actually, I should go out for survey today, but because of fever and flu, I ended up spending my Saturday staying at home, tided up my super-messy room... It looks clean and tidy now, nice! =3
I'm so grateful that God is really good to me, He knows the perfect time for everything to happen... Last Tuesday, I was so stressed out in the office because of some reasons... I didn't feel like doing anything but crying at that time... Then, suddenly HW sent me a message asking me whether I would be around office or not, so he could stop by my mom's restaurant for dinner... He came with Sd and Fr... I was so glad that they came at the right time, when I really needed people to cheer me up... =)
1 more month to my birthday... I can't believe that I will turn 22 soon... My 21st birthday last year was the happiest day in the year 2009, I hope this year would be the same... *Amen*
I'm so grateful that God is really good to me, He knows the perfect time for everything to happen... Last Tuesday, I was so stressed out in the office because of some reasons... I didn't feel like doing anything but crying at that time... Then, suddenly HW sent me a message asking me whether I would be around office or not, so he could stop by my mom's restaurant for dinner... He came with Sd and Fr... I was so glad that they came at the right time, when I really needed people to cheer me up... =)
1 more month to my birthday... I can't believe that I will turn 22 soon... My 21st birthday last year was the happiest day in the year 2009, I hope this year would be the same... *Amen*
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
getting old??
I remember one of my friends told me this:
"the older you get, the less friend you have"
I twisted my mind to think how true that statement is and found: YES, that's the fact...
I could feel that my close friends, one by one, started to leave the friendships we have... And I don't think if I still know them personally... I don't really talk to my friends these days, it's not because I'm really busy, but I just don't have the idea on what to talk about...
I started to lose you, you, and you...
To one of you, you might think that the way I talk to you is slightly changed... Well, ya... I don't think I could talk to you in the way I did in the past... I don't think I could treat you as nice as before... Or maybe I should stay away from you for a while so I could prevent myself from treating you the way you treat me (which I really hate)?? It's not me wanting to stay away from you, but your attitude makes it happen...
"the older you get, the less friend you have"
I twisted my mind to think how true that statement is and found: YES, that's the fact...
I could feel that my close friends, one by one, started to leave the friendships we have... And I don't think if I still know them personally... I don't really talk to my friends these days, it's not because I'm really busy, but I just don't have the idea on what to talk about...
I started to lose you, you, and you...
To one of you, you might think that the way I talk to you is slightly changed... Well, ya... I don't think I could talk to you in the way I did in the past... I don't think I could treat you as nice as before... Or maybe I should stay away from you for a while so I could prevent myself from treating you the way you treat me (which I really hate)?? It's not me wanting to stay away from you, but your attitude makes it happen...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
estar de regreso a Australia

Thank God that I didn't sit together with them in the plane... I sat with my dad (on the upper deck of Airbus A380, others sat on the main deck) and dad understood why I was so mad at his friends...
They troubled me a lot at Sydney's Immigration Counter... sigh*
Once the aircraft landed Sydney, I couldn't stop myself for saying: "Thank you, God... for giving me this chance to be back to Australia..." Although it was just a week, it was much better than not being there at all... God is good...

Blue Mountain on the 2nd day... Yayyy!!! I never been there before... It took us 1.5 hours driving to get there from city... The weather was nice that day, it was sunny and not really windy... nothing much to tell about 2nd day, just some photos:
I woke up early in the morning to grab McDonald's for breakfast on the 3rd day with dad... Bacon & egg muffin with hash brown and orange juice.. Indo McDonald!! Why don't you have this menu?? Because it contains bacon --> pork?? Then I went back to prepare breakfast for others... I didn't go out with my dad and his friends on third day... So, I walked around Sydney CBD for shopping with Diann and Nadia... I got a bag from Momo, some t-shirts from FCUK, Sydney key chains, 4 bottles of body lotion (which was very heavy to carry) and some bottles of vitamins... This is what I had for lunch: Ajisen's spicy miso ramen + takoyaki... Actually, there're some Ajisen Ramen counters in Jakarta, but the noodle served doesn't taste good at all...
At night (my last night in Sydney), I went out for dinner with HK brothers and walked to St. Marry's Cathedral... I thought of going up to my apartment to get my tripod before we go, but Dan told me there's no need to get the tripod because it's already late.. Alright, I followed him and was so regret at the end... sigh*
I went back to my apartment after done taking pictures... I took my shower and started packing...
Wednesday, June 9th 2010...
I woke up around 6 in the morning because I had to go to airport... I took my towel, was about to shower, then I saw a really nice view from the window of my apartment (it's on 65th floor)... Sunrise... I quickly grabbed my camera and took some pictures of the beautiful scenery... Then I had my breakfast, took my shower, rechecked my stuffs and left to airport... Tiger Airways sucks (If you expect good services both in the aircraft and at airport, use Virgin Blue for domestic flights within Australia)... But Tiger Airways is really cheap thou, I got one way ticket from Sydney to Melbourne only for $28.00 (without checked in luggage)... I ended up paying $69.00 for the ticket because I was bringing my 20+ kg luggage with me...
MELBOURNE!!! It was so cold and windy when I arrived there (around 7C with 15-20kmph wind speed)... It felt like I was home when I stepped on my feet there... *I guess, it's the same feeling like what Al felt when he went to CA*

We went back to city, and I stayed a while at Noy's apartment just to make a song cover... He sent me back to HM's place after that and my 1st day in Melbourne was done! See, there're so many things I could do in one day... Hahaha...
I walked alone to Elizabeth St on the 2nd day in Melbourne to have my lunch... Menya Ramen... Hahaha... I ordered Spicy Gyu Tan Don... When it delivered to my table, I wondered how could I finish 2 bowls of this when I was a student in Melbourne before... Hahaha... I walked to Melbourne Central Station after lunch, bought a carry bag and caught tram 72 to Malvern Road... I visited Tony, he was my mentor when I had my internship in 2008 (OMG, time flies!)... I brought a batik shirt for him... He likes it! Yayyyyy!!!!
Then I met Mich at Bourke St... She hugged me soooooooo tight at the first time saw me... I haven't met her since our graduation... We walked around city endlessly, didn't know where to go and ended up having Nando's Chicken for snack... See, how scary Jess is... Nando's chicken for snack... ROFL...
7pm, Edy picked us up for dinner... He looked soooooooo good in the black jacket he wore... We went to Richmond Ying Thai... After we finished the food, he didn't let me pay, but at the time he went to the cashier, the guy told him that they only receive payment in cash... Hahaha, so he went back to our table asking for cash from me... Poor Edy.. He was so nice that he helped me to move my luggages from HM's place to Mich's apartment... Mich and I went to Crown at night for coffee... It was just really nice to sit outside Crown... We took picture and walked along south bank:
I stayed quite on Princes Bridge, looking to the night view of Yarra River, South Bank and Flinders Street Station, blending myself with the view I used to see 1.5 years ago... I love Melbourne, I really do... I remember I stand at the same spot at the very last night in Melbourne before I went back to Indonesia for good... =D
I went to Richmond with Mich at the 3rd day... She had a job interview, so I went there with her and waited for her at a cafe next to the office... Thank God they have free wi-fi so I could do the online check-in for my flight and had a small chat with some of my friends on YM... We went back to city after that, had lunch, and walked around... I didn't know how nice does Easy Way taste... It's really popular in Sydney (you can find it in every corner of the road I guess and HK kept asking me to try)... They just opened one branch in Melbourne so they did the promotion: "buy 1 get 1 free"... So we went there to try... Hahaha... It tasted quite okay, just like normal bubble tea... Nothing's really special, except the promo... =3

I took tram from QV going back to Mich place, I gave Noy a hug before I left... He's really nice guy... Mich was still sleeping (it's around 2pm)... I put the take away food to freezer and did my packing (my luggage was really messy)... We went out for dinner later and met Noy again at Menya Ramen... Hahaha... Ah ya, you need to know, Menya Ramen and Ying Thai are restaurants you MUST go more than once when you visit Melbourne... =p

I looked around the duty free shop, found a really nice Lacoste bag... Checked the price, it's sighted to be $120... Not bad... But I didn't get it at the end (and sort of regret it now??!!)... I just bought a wallet because the one I usually use is broken... Then, I just waited for the boarding time, it was at the same gate as it was 1.5 years ago...
Changi Airport June 13th, 2010... I arrived there around 6 in the morning and my next flight to Jakarta was at 10... I shopped around terminal 2, bought a limited edition HUGO perfume and some T-shirts for my brothers... Bored with terminal 2, I took the sky train to terminal 3 to have my breakfast, AJISEN RAMEN!! Again???!!! hahahaha... I ordered spicy miso ramen again as well, thought of comparing the taste between it and the one served in Sydney... I like the Batik pattern they use for the wall... =D
Once before I finished my noodle, a guy came and sat on the table next to me, asking me what he should have there because he had no idea... I helped him to order... Hahaha... We talked a bit, he's going back to Myanmar and is actually a student in UK... I told him I had to go, because it's almost boarding time and I run to catch the sky train back to terminal 2... I never thought that the gate would be so far (it's the one in the end of the hallway)... It took me around 15mins walking to get there from the sky train stop... I boarded the aircraft and the pilot told us that would be delay for 45 mins for the flight because of the aircraft communication system problem... I just slept, I didn't sleep at all during my previous flight from Melbourne (still busy watching Glee!)...
Then, I found my bro at the airport picking me up... =D
(I missed Sofia's chicken and mushroom risotto T____T)
Friday, June 4, 2010
different angle
I'm leaving to Sydney tomorrow and I haven't done with my packing... I'm used to travel by myself, so what I'm bringing with me is only my luggage... I hate to bring things which I think aren't necessary to be brought (remembering the super-fussy Australian custom policy in what thing you can/can't bring into the country)... Unfortunately, this happened this time... The reason why I don't like to travel with aunties/uncles is: they like to bring such inconvenience things... sigh* (I wonder if I would turn that way when I'm getting older later)...
I had a long chat with Vd these days... Well, I found some of his words are true... The things he told me are things that I never thought about before... Since then, I started to see things from a really different angle... =)
Done with my packing... will be away from my vaio for a week... XD
I had a long chat with Vd these days... Well, I found some of his words are true... The things he told me are things that I never thought about before... Since then, I started to see things from a really different angle... =)
Done with my packing... will be away from my vaio for a week... XD
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Happy June everyone!!
I'm hoping that June would be a much better month compared to May... =)
Unfortunately, I'm not feeling well since last night... I have to recover soon remembering I'm going to have a trip this Saturday...
I saw Jo's latest post, then decided to take the personality quiz like she did... Here is the result:
Jess said: to be honest, I don't get what the words "down-to-earth" really mean... If it said that I'm a straightforward person, I guess it's true (some of my friends told me that)... Efficient problem solver?? Hahaha.. I think it's only applicable to others as I'm not a good/efficient problem solver for myself...
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Jess said: absolutely TRUE!!!
Jess said: Hahaha... This is true, I just typed bout this in my previous post... =D
How will you choose your Mr Right?
You will make the most of being able to shop around for Mr Right. You love your freedom and will have a lot of fun learning about what sort of man you like. When you do find the guy for you, nobody will be able to keep you away from the church.
Jess said: Right... Hahaha...
I'm hoping that June would be a much better month compared to May... =)
Unfortunately, I'm not feeling well since last night... I have to recover soon remembering I'm going to have a trip this Saturday...
I saw Jo's latest post, then decided to take the personality quiz like she did... Here is the result:
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.Jess said: to be honest, I don't get what the words "down-to-earth" really mean... If it said that I'm a straightforward person, I guess it's true (some of my friends told me that)... Efficient problem solver?? Hahaha.. I think it's only applicable to others as I'm not a good/efficient problem solver for myself...
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Jess said: I do put effort to keep my love true whenever I'm in love, but am I a romantic person?? Hm... I doubt that... =p
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
Jess said: Well, it was me before... To be really honest, I don't really believe in commitment these days... I enjoy my friendship more than committed relationship...
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Jess said: absolutely TRUE!!!
Your views on education:
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
Jess said: I guess, this is also true... I did think that education is the MOST IMPORTANT thing when I was in high school and university... But, when I started working, my view of education is also started to change... I believe that there are things that I could learn outside the classroom, especially those practical skills that never been given at school... At the end, the purpose of getting education is to earn money, isn't it?? I'm not saying that education isn't important, but social networking, practical skills and good partnership (any kind of relationship between people) are also important in this case... =)
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
Jess said: Hahahaha... Regular job + side business will do for me... =D
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
Jess said: As a perfectionist person, YES I am scared of failure... I have the courage to try on new things although it's not all the time... I think I should learn to be more optimistic...
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Jess said: Well, i have to admit this... I hate ignorance, so that is why i admitted that I try so hard to be accepted by other people...
Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.
Jess said: Yes, that's me!!
You harbor hidden feelings of jealousy:
You easily get jealous of other people, but you manage to control your expressions and emotions. For instance, when a close friend tells you that she has met the man of her dreams, you might sincerely say to her "Congratulations!", but what you're really thinking is "You're so lucky! Why can't I be you?"Jess said: Hahaha... This is true, I just typed bout this in my previous post... =D
How will you choose your Mr Right?
You will make the most of being able to shop around for Mr Right. You love your freedom and will have a lot of fun learning about what sort of man you like. When you do find the guy for you, nobody will be able to keep you away from the church.
Jess said: Right... Hahaha...
Who will be your future Mr Right?
Your real-life hero will be manly. He'll be dependable, even financially. He will protect you and always respect your feelings. He'll probably be quite a bit older than you.
Jess said: I guess, age isn't really a matter for me as long as he's dependable and respectable... Ya, i might need someone who can protect me, not me protecting him... =p
How loyal are you?
You get along very well with most guys. Sometimes your friendliness misleads others to think that you're a bit of a flirt, but actually you've got a loyal heart. You'll never have eyes for anyone except your beloved boyfriend/husband.
Jess said: that's the fact!!
Enough blogging!! Back to work...
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