Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Finally it's end of June... My cousins are going to move to the states soon, within this 1 or 2 months... I wasn't close to them at the first time, we just got closer at the time I visited their house last year... In some ways, I feel kinda sad... I do really know how it feels like when people who are close to you have to move faraway so you can't see them as often as before... 
I remember the first time I went back home after 6 months staying in Melbourne, it was at June 2007... I didn't tell my parents about that, I just asked some of my friends to pick me up at the airport... Dad was so surprised when he saw me knocking the door... My brothers seemed so happy and talked a lot to me and asked me to tell them about Melbourne... 
At times, I complain a lot about how inconvenience everything is in Indo... But, there are also times when I feel glad that I'm here, in the place called HOME... 
The time when I should leave this house will come, it can be within this year or next year, or the next 2 years... We never know... I will just enjoy the time I could spend with my parents and brothers now, before we're all separated (by moving somewhere else, by marriages, etc)...


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