Friday, June 4, 2010

different angle

I'm leaving to Sydney tomorrow and I haven't done with my packing... I'm used to travel by myself, so what I'm bringing with me is only my luggage... I hate to bring things which I think aren't necessary to be brought (remembering the super-fussy Australian custom policy in what thing you can/can't bring into the country)... Unfortunately, this happened this time... The reason why I don't like to travel with aunties/uncles is: they like to bring such inconvenience things... sigh* (I wonder if I would turn that way when I'm getting older later)...

I had a long chat with Vd these days... Well, I found some of his words are true... The things he told me are things that I never thought about before... Since then, I started to see things from a really different angle... =)

Done with my packing... will be away from my vaio for a week... XD


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