Tuesday, August 11, 2009

To dump or being dumped...

Having chats with some friends might lead you to a topic u never thought before...
n i couldn't really tell why did I n my frens talk bout exes.. (does it spell like that?? i mean more than 1 ex here)...
well, we talked bout to dump or being dumped... in indonesian/english lesson i learned before, to dump means "mencampakkan" - as u're the subject (person) who done the dumping.... and being dumped means "dicampakkan" - u're the object (victim) of dumping... (OMG, i thk i need to learn english again now)...
if a relationship is broken, i guess, people will ask, who's the one asking for a break up?? doesn't it have the same meaning as "are you the one who dumped him/her?" and some will say "owh, i'm the one who asked..." or "i dumped him/her..." proudly...
why do u have to be proud of that???
what i'm thinking is to dump or being dumped are just leading you to a break up...
and it's called a break up because it is broken... agree???
Today, I just got to know... that my shitty ex slept with his new GF even before we broke up... (well, i call him ex coz he's shitty and sux... if he's not, i'll still call him as boyfren =p)
telling ya, i dun regret that i've loved u before... and i dun regret that we broke up...
n I feel much better without you now... =D
Go have a good life there and i'll have a much better one...
Have a good nite everyone...



Unknown said...

"dumped" is what i've been through. WTF with ur ex, slap him if you meet him. otherwise, i'll cut his legs!!

citrinezee said...

ngemeng2 ttg dump-dumped, jd ingat status helen XD~

ya ouloh, is that really true? Well, just SLICE his skin, DROP some citric acid there, or, just let him enjoy a glass of HCN juice. And SEND him to a place where he belongs.... BLOODY HELL !
your ex is really shakh. shakh-er (i mean, lebih shakh) dari PLN. wkwkkwkwkwk

erikahayashi said...

somehow i felt like reading your blog before going to bed. it's kinda odd coz actually i don't read blogs. so here i am, reading your blog and owh em ji that kiam chai should be mutilated. seriously.

Alex said...

eits.. sejak kapan si rika baca2 blog?? wakakakaka.. :p

ude... yg sudah lewat biarkanlah.. serah die la mo ngapaen.. badan, badan die.. wakakakaka.. (mgkn pemakaian kata badan kurang tepat ho.. :-" tapi klo dganti kata laennya terlalu vulgar.. huahahahaha)

btw, post ini sama post pny si mellani sama eeee... i mean.. topik sampingannya.. :p wakakakaka..

Unknown said...
